jeudi 13 février 2014

Naruto 665 Spoiler and Highlights

It seems to me that Kishi will use the Kyuubi chakra of the gold and silver brothers to save Naruto, the good news is that if that's enough then Killer Bee might be alive with just the tentacle he managed to escape with. In a sense, Naruto not getting the other half of the Kyuubi it's important because his tenure as a Jinchuuriki is already over. Minato sealed Kurama in him for the sake of defeating Obito, not Madara and just like how Gaara remained a Kazekage for his natural talents so will Naruto with Kurama as a friend and not a power up. In my opinion, it's time for Naruto to shift from a powerhouse of attrition into a refined Hokage. Naruto can now learn the Hiraishin, perform Sage Mode with the toads on his back and rely on his own natural massive chakra reserves to perform large scale techniques instead of just surfing on Kurama's power. This also confirms my suspicions that Sasuke will be the one to play the main role in defeating Madara instead of Naruto even if the the latter does help him through the ordeal. Kishimoto said back in 2012 that he would first focus on Kakashi (Battle against Obito), then Sasuke (Battle against Madara) and finally on Naruto (Battle against Sasuke). Since Bijuus are pretty much useless against Madara's arsenal of Jutsu, the only thing on the planet which can match him is a Rinnegan and some untold weakness that Kabuto placed on his body should he ever go out of control. 

Sasuke as Madara's true successor will attain the Rinnegan through the machinations of Kabuto as repayment for Itachi restoring him to his senses. The misterious person can only be Kabuto because, as Karin can sense a person's chakra by their alignement, she would not recognize instantly the chakra of a man whose view on life changed so quickly and dramatically. As for Kurama, the implications could not be more interesting. Karin Uzumaki awakening Kushina's power is a heavy foreshadowing that she will become the next Jinchuuriki of Kurama (of one or both halfs of him/her) so that Sasuke will have children with whiskers and the power of the Rikkudou Sennin with her. Consider this a joke but maybe NaruSasu fans will get the babies their couple can't normally produce. I don't think the Bijuu will run freely around simply because they showed indications of not minding being sealed into a host so long as said host loves them as a person and is not shunned by society as a result of being their carrier. Besides, it's implied that as long as they are sealed the Bijuu don't have to eat and simply feed off on their host's chakra on a needed basis. This save us the trouble of having to deal with the logistics of feeding and moving nine behemoths across the Shinobi countries without them causing ruckuss or driving villages to starvation. 

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