jeudi 13 février 2014

Bleach 569 Prediction Review

Out of all the Stern Rittners, only one have managed to keep this terrifying aura of being a true threat in this arch, while the rest have been pushed down to idiot levels. Only one Stern Rittner have managed to survive and avoid the idiot ball that seems to go in a round of volleyball around the battlefield. And that one is As Nodt. I only pray that he will get a dignified ending. And if anyone think that I am just complaining, and that if I don´t like it, then I should quit reading, then I have to say this first. I am reading Bleach because I hope that Kubo, somehow can fix this. I still hope that he will get his will through the editors and finish Bleach as he intended it to. I can only imagine how Bleach would have looked like if it was better written. Only imagine. Besides, there are characters that I feel Kubo done right, regardless of the events.
Ulquiorra and Grimmjow and As Nodt is a few of them. I just wished that Kubo grew himself a backbone and stood up against the editors for once... and didn´t give in to popular demand. A author should write a story for his own pleasure, not others. that is one of golden rules in terms of being a author. This was my personal opinion of Bleach and its events.
And I will stand for it.

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