jeudi 13 février 2014

Bleach 569 Review and Highlights

I don't think rukia really has lost her chance to shine here. To be completely fair, using just her shikai (which seems extremely hax but w/e) she got the best of nodt. Nodt didn't land a single hit on her. Up until the moment byakuya appeared the only real damage rukia could have taken would be from the strain of her ohtwn ability. The strain could be considerable however odds are that she won't take long to get in top shape for the next fight. And we have to consider that whoever defeated rukia during the first invasion is still out there and could be basically anyone. Also worth noting is that the case can be made that rukia was never actually overpowered in the fight. Fear worked on her which prevented her from striking at nodt but that does not change that what we have seen so far seems to indicate rukia can easily overpower and even speedblitz nodt. Well, volstandig could well change things however considering rukia seemed to start out considerably faster and more powerful than nodt it seems that would be the minimum necessary for him to catch up to her. 
I have to say though, I am not sure I am a fan of the quincy's ability to regenerate. Its too much. During the last chapter rukia executed her technique flawlessly and froze nodt at absolute 0. That should by all intents and purposes be instant death for him, his every cell should have cracked from the absurd and sudden change in temperature. From a more realistic point of view what she did is every bit as good or even better than obliterating his head... I know its a manga but so it does not appear as if there is a limit in to what extent a quincy can regenerate from injuries. I do kinda get the impression volstandig plays a huge role in the extent though. Quincy can manipulate blood and the reishi flowing through it, Perhaps more than regeneration the quincy are using reishi to reconstruct their bodies altogether rather than just healing a wound. Killing a quincy seems to get harder and harder by the minute, even arrancar with regeneration seem to fall kinda short in some areas. Also adding to the rukia bit, odds are she also got her bankai. Its all simply a matter of being told the name and sode no shirayuki accepting her. Rukia's reiatsu right now is at least captain class or higher considering what she did to nodt while fighting his base form. She did consistently speedblitz him and it would seem just being at -18 was enough to get past his defenses. I am not sure she even needed to go as cold as she could. I really do wonder if her ability could actually nullify the effects of blutz though.

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