mercredi 22 janvier 2014

Naruto Chapter 漫画 661 ページ

Interesting,  to think that Madara himself could have snuck into Konoha. Gotta wonder how he escaped the alarms. I’m thinking Madara’s reason for choosing an Uzumaki though was probably coincidental, since not many people are directly related to any Senju/Uzumaki, and those that are are not guaranteed to have that special lifeforce anyway.
naruto 661 manga
Itachi said that an Uchiha body handles the Sharingan better, hence Kakashi’s fatigue. So if that applies to the Rinnegan too, then it would make sense to have a half-Uchiha half-Uzumaki offspring. But the Senju chakra is probably enough in of itself. It very much could be coincidental and it just happened he only knew of the Uzumaki as far as Senju relatives, but I’ve grown to accept that NOTHING is coincidence in this story. Sadly so, too. I miss when everything wasn’t prophecy this and tablet that, but my prediction is working with what we know and Kishi’s flair for ‘underneath the underneath’.

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